from the August 2010 issue

Israeli company develops tomato that doesn't need to be refrigerated

An Israeli company that breeds and markets hybrid plant varieties announced a new innovation on Tuesday: A tomato that doesn't need to be refrigerated. The tomato, named Antonella, retains its firmness, flavor and aroma and does not begin to rot even after a week at room temperature.

Hazera Genetics, which purports to develop products with an 'improved look and taste', developed the Antonella tomato with the aim of withstanding the hot Israeli summer.

The tomato is grown in hothouses and is to be sold in bunches, after it was proven that when kept in a bunch the tomato retains its firmness, flavor and color. The scientist who developed this specific variety recommends keeping these tomatoes in a cool place for several days before consuming.

The company estimates that due to its resistance to heat and its long shelf life, the Antonella has the potential to gain 10 percent of the Israeli tomato market within a short period of time.

The tomato is the most popular vegetable in Israel.

Reprinted from the Israel High-Tech & Investment Report August 2010

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