from the November 2011 issue

Inkjet design could print at 1,000 pages per minute

Inkjet printers could put out 1,000 pages per minute, thanks to a full-page print technique described by researchers.

The JeTrix technique could print books to order at bookshops at the rate of two a minute, or at airport kiosks eliminating the need for book stocks, and could be in use within two years, according to Moshe Einat, at the University of Judea and Samaria, in Ariel, West Bank. Instead of a moving print head, it uses a print "screen" the size of a piece of paper or larger, covered with tiny nozzles that can print sheets "almost instantly", said Einat, of the university's department of electrical and electronics engineering.

Einat and his colleague Nissim Einat have created a small prototype, 12cm square, which has already hit speeds of 1,000 pages per minute. The Israeli Government and private "angel" investors funded the prototype, made up of 57,600 nozzles fed by micro-reservoirs 1mm square, but with more funding, Einat plans to make a whole-page version.

The researchers use micro-reservoirs, each of which feeds four nozzles by capillary action, and which are fed by an ink wiper, which fills them up.

The research, prototypes and patent applications have cost $140,000, partly funded by the Israeli ministry of industry, said Einat. "We are now in a fund rising stage," he went on. "Assuming we manage to raise the funds, the estimated time [a year and half to commercial products] is applicable." The 1000ppm speed would be reached from the very first commercial models, he said.

Reprinted from the Israel High-Tech & Investment Report November 2011

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