from the January 2012 issue

Israeli start-up Takadu helps Londoners save water

As water gushes through the labyrinthine infrastructure of the London water supply system, an ageing pipe creaks, whines noisily, and finally bursts.

Within seconds, an alert starts flashing on a remote computer in the tiny office of Takadu - an Israeli start-up in Tel Aviv.

Once picked up, the information is transmitted to Thames Water - the utility company responsible for bringing water to Londoners.

CEO Amir Peg on how Takadu works with water companies: "Almost instantly, we're able to detect, alert, locate, and basically inform the utility that there's something wrong," says Amir Peleg, Takadu's co-founder and chief executive, pointing to a computer screen.

The firm's specialization is smart water systems.

Thanks to Takadu, as well as to other measures, Thames Water managed to achieve five annual leakage reduction targets in a row.

Last winter, it received the prestigious 2011 Tech Pioneer award at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Reprinted from the Israel High-Tech & Investment Report January 2012

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