from the July 2018 issue

Tiny Box Helps You Relax In Horrible Israel

Don't suffer through another long, uncomfortable summer carry this instead...

Be ready! This Summer in Israel is going to be a HOT one...

Traditional AC units are outdated. They are expensive to install and even more costly to run. They look ugly and are difficult and dangerous to clean. You can't even move them around the house with you or take them outside!

Fans can be cheaper, but they only blow around the air - what if the air is too hot already? Its actually making you feel worse when the hot air is moving around your hot room! Plus they are VERY noisy.

For some of us in Israel the hot weather is already starting to become too much. In peak summer heat it is not enjoyable to suffer in the heat. It is also very hard to sleep at night in humid, stuffy air.

Thousands of people in Israel are now using a much cheaper alternative to cool themselves in the heat and clean their personal air.

Now EVERYONE in Israel wants this awesome looking box for summer too!

What are we talking about?

It's the new CoolAir, an innovative alternative to AC that cools you just the same! It's perfect for those super hot days and nights!

The CoolAir was designed by two German engineers who were fed up suffering in the hot summers in their winter homes. They found that AC units were super inefficient and expensive to use. The engineers also noticed that none of the traditional AC units were made to travel with.

So, they designed this ultra-compact, light-weight, portable AC box. It uses a small fraction of the electricity and all without sacrificing any of the main benefits of a top AC model!

It's tiny, it's easy to use and it can cool you in seconds!

People are using them to cool themselves and purify their air on those super hot, humid times - the results are incredible...

How does it work?
We were surprised by how easy it is to set up! First, you have to plug it into either a socket supply OR any USB port (it's low energy so can even run off of a phone or laptop battery!).

Once you have done that, simply fill up the inbuilt reservoir with 20oz/0.6L of normal tap water.

And then the best part comes, the instant cool air!

The controls are just superb, really easy to understand and stylish. The cool, breezy air from CoolAir feels natural and clean - that's because it is!

How to buy a CoolAir
That's super easy. You can buy it from the official website.

What makes this little box so special?
The main benefits of the CoolAir are its portability, price, health benefits and its ease of use.

The box is just larger than a lunchbox. Combine that with it can be powered by a pocket solar panel or battery pack and you probably have the world's first and most portable AC unit.

Lots of people are giving the CoolAir 5* star reviews online.

Many say it's finally helped them sleep much better:

Bad sleepers are putting the CoolAir next to their bed at night. The relaxing breeze of cool, clean air, the soothing soft night light and the quiet, calming white noise of the fan create the perfect sleeping conditions!

CoolAir users are calming they're sleeping better than ever and waking up fully rested and full of energy!

And so far, we have not even mentioned that the CoolAir is also filtering the dust and harmful particles out of your air. Improving your overall health, boosting your immune system and shortening your recovery time from sickness. It is like breathing the cleanest Swiss mountain air!

We all know traditional AC units are full of dust, harmful mould and dangerous bacteria particles inside. You then breathe that toxic mixture in causing you big health problems later on...

With your CoolAir, you can easily and safely remove and wash the filter. No need to call an expensive AC specialist to do that!

CoolAir recommends replacing the filters every 6 months. You can order online for only $10.

Last but not least, the price is just amazing. Most AC units cost at least $200+ AND you have to pay for installation AND cover the expensive electricity bills each month... we all have bills to pay every month and don't need more!

CoolAir is less than $100 (Low as $53 on a multi-buy deal here). No messy installation, no expensive electricity bills. For a Cooling unit of this quality, this must be the single best price-quality AC unit there is!

Conclusion: Is it worth it?
Such a quality unit for this price makes us definitely say yes! Its portable, powerful, effective and cheap to run. Just think of the amazing sleep and comfort you can get with your CoolAir!

Reprinted from the Israel High-Tech & Investment Report July 2018

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